Maelstrom's Edge has a vibrant global community. No matter what your preferred way of keeping in touch is, we consistently add content to all the major media websites out there.
The Comm Guild
The most important place to follow for the latest news, rumours and community happenings is our semi-official blog - The Comm Guild
Our facebook page is updated with our most important news. Add yourself by simply clicking Like:
Additionally, on facebook we have the Maelstrom's Edge community group, which you can join to share pictures of your models, ask questions and have enjoyable general discussion with fellow hobbyists as well as the Spiral Arm Studios team.
Dakka Dakka
Maelstrom's Edge was born on the wargaming community website Dakka Dakka, and as such, an official forum is maintained there when you can see the work of other hobbyists, talk to the Spiral Arm Studios team, and be part of the largest wargaming forum in the world. There are some great examples of hobby activity there including Iain's Maelstrom's Edge terrain blog and Sgt. Oddball's Maelstrom's Edge blog.
The official Spiral Arm Studios Youtube page has an ever increasing selection of video content, and we recommend you subscribe so as not to miss out! We are actively working on learn-to-play videos right now.
If you are more interested in short, fast news, we also have our twitter feed which posts content from the comm guild blog as articles are added. If you're on twitter, feel free to follow us as a handy way of keeping up to date with news and hobby articles.
You can also find us on Instagram, where we post pics of our studio models, conversions and terrain constructions and Maelstrom's Edge artwork.