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Sig Jammer Product Image

Sig Jammer


This resin kit consists of a Broken Sig Jammer, equipped with a targeting scrambler, tech disruptor and grenade harness.
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Broken communities don't tend to possess extensive production facilities, but what they lack in infrastructure, they make up for in unregulated ingenuity. Broken groups tend to be havens for tech-savants and hackers, known collectively as 'Jammers' - rule-breakers ostracised by societies scared of their technological prowess. These maverick inventors thrive amongst the Broken, where their skills are used to break into computer networks, disrupt signals, and set enemy technology against its users. Broken leadership encourages anyone with a natural aptitude for technology to become an apprentice, or 'Sig Jammer'. In peacetime, these neophytes serve the needs of a Savant, scrounging parts and carrying out menial tasks. When the Broken go to war, Sig Jammers cause electronic havoc amongst the enemy. Deployed near enemy lines, their disruption equipment degrades weapon systems, disrupts broadcast frequencies, and shuts down targeting and support systems.

Sig Jammer


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