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Broken Sniper Product Image

Broken Sniper


This plastic kit consists of one Broken Sniper sprue, and a 32mm base. Sculpted by Dave Whitaker and Iain Wilson.
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A Sniper amongst the Broken is an immensely valuable battlefield tool and therefore Broken commanders commission their weaponsmiths to produce custom, high-end weapons and tech for their Snipers, so as to give them a fighting chance on the battlefield. Though each Sniper has a slight variation in their kit, their basics usually entail a cloak with powered optical and anti-radar camouflage, along with a drum-fed sniper rifle, which is able to switch on the fly between several different custom-made specialty ammunition types.

As with all Broken, Snipers are the master of stealth, and their ability to pick the right ammunition type to most punish their target before disappearing into the mists before the enemy can return fire in earnest makes them one of the most loathed foes in the spiral arm.

You can find the rules for fielding the Revolutionary Captain in the Force Lists section here.

The Assembly Guides Section has a PDF walkthrough for building this model.

Broken Sniper


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